Favorite Farmer Writing Contest


FamilyFarmed is staging a writing competition for case studies of farmers who are succeeding at direct marketing, for our upcoming Direct Market Success training manual. And we are giving $500 away — plus copies of FamilyFarmed’s upcoming Direct Market Success best practices and training manual.

Here’s what’s up: We are producing a Direct Market Success training manual, and need great case studies of farmers and other producers — across the United States — who are succeeding at direct marketing… whether they sell at farmers markets or farmstands, through CSAs or online platforms, or directly to restaurants or retailers.

So we are staging a Favorite Farmer Contest for the best case studies in this area. The study deemed the best submission will earn its writer a $500 prize and byline credit in the publication. Any other case study published in Direct Market Success will earn its writer a free copy of the manual and a byline.

If you are a producer who wants to share your own story… or if you are a fan of a farmer whose story should be told… please enter the contest online! These success stories will help inspire others.

Enter via email with the subject line “Submission: Best Direct Market Farmer Story.” Please direct any other questions or inquiries about the contest to the same address.

Contest Rules for the Favorite Farmer Writing Contest

* Your written essay should be a maximum of 300 words
* The essay can be about any aspect of direct marketing, e.g. sales, category of product (such as produce, meat, eggs, cheese, etc.), product mix, marketing/media, display, financial management, land access et al.
* Include a high resolution photo of your farmer
* All entries should be received by July 8, 2016


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