Goat Dairy Internship in Washington State

Goat Dairy Internship at St John Creamery is in Lake Stevens, Wa 40 min North of Seattle
We are a raw goat dairy selling fluid milk and artisan cheese. I was a city girl turned farmer, so I love teaching everything goat! I find I like learners on my farm more than folks who just need to put a roof over their heads.
The Oberhasli dairy goats we milk are delightful, inquisitive, friendly girls who make our life fun and interesting amid the constant hum of the milking system!
We need physically fit folks who can lift 50-60 lbs (bales of hay) Lots of the girls can’t lift much when they arrive – but they catch up after working here! In the winter we get down to 35-40 hours a week. Summers are longer days – usually 50 per week.
We vary tasks. The farm starts at 5am when 3 folks come in. 2 sanitize the milking system and one starts feeding the animals. Milking is finished anytime between 8:30am in winter to 11:00 in summer. We have a big home made lunch every day. Mid afternoon is for projects or a needed nap. PM shift starts at 4pm, same postions and goes til 7-9:30pm depending on time of year. We trim goat hooves, birth goats, breed goats,.milk, make cheese, feed goats, take them off farm grazing every morning, muck stalls, deliver milk, clean, clean and clean…play with baby goats in between all the above jobs.
We hire 3-6 month stays and year long stays. The longer stay gives you the whole season’s experience.
We do have a car to share with interns if they don’t have their own. Bus /train station is 10 min away. Easy access to the city.
You will have 5 day weeks with 2 days off. Room and board and a $50 stipend each week. If you desire to learn , then learn you will ! I teach advanced medical classes, basic goat care, we have a big garden for our own consumption, we have a bee hive if anyone wants to do bees, I teach herbal meds for goats and humans (I am not a professional – just practical knowledge)
we have sheep and chickens as well and livestock guardian dogs (Anatolian Shepherds) we have one litter per year. Some folks come and learn a little, some come and could start their own dairy when they leave (some actually have!) The internship is what YOU make of it. I am an easy communicator. I am extremely easy to get along with and try to be clear in my expectations so we can all be happy.
To Apply for the Goat Dairy Internship:
No experience necessary – just a heart for animals and lots of farmer type work ethic.
We usually have 9 folks here – so there are 2-3 times a year we are looking for folks.
Past resume is helpful. You can call or text 206-909-5055 or email stjohncreamery@gmail.com
Our address is 8431 30th St SE Lake Stevens, Wa.. 98259
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