Sustainable Agriculture News from NSAC

This is the latest Sustainable Agriculture News from NSAC. Learn more about the 2016 Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) application process; NSAC’s role in organizing and sponsoring witnesses for a House Agriculture Committee hearing on direct marketing; and a review of their annual Winter Meeting in Davis, California.
Conservation Stewardship Program 2016 Sign-up Opens
Farmers and ranchers interested in enrolling in the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) this year, have until March 31 to submit their initial applications to the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. USDA will enroll 10 million acres of farm and ranch land in the program this year, with payments to farmers and ranchers of over three-quarters of a billion dollars over the next five years…
Direct Marketing and Local Food the Focus of House Agriculture Committee Hearing Farmers, ranchers, and advocates from across the country gathered yesterday, February 2, 2016, to speak with members of the House Agriculture Committee’s Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research about their experiences in direct farmer to consumer marketing, farm to institution marketing, and other local food strategies…
NSAC Members Set 2016 Priorities for Sustainable Agriculture
Last week, over 100 representatives of 50 member organizations of the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition gathered in Davis, CA for their annual Winter Meeting to discuss, debate, and vote on the coalition’s policy priorities for the coming year. 2016 will be an exciting year for sustainable agriculture as we prepare for the upcoming presidential election and the next Farm Bill cycle…
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