Orchard Jobs Available in New York

Orchard Jobs Available

Apple Leaf is seeking to fill a number of seasonal full and part-time positions within the company, including summer orchard scouts, fruit technicians, and field assistants, for the 2016 growing season (starts mid-April).

Principal responsibilities include: scout apple orchards for common pests, report observations, assist in making recommendations, as well as other horticultural duties from time to time.

Apple Leaf operates principally in New York’s Hudson valley, but they are also expanding to the western New York apple growing regions as well. They also develop and implement advanced orchard management programs for select growers. There are opportunities in addition to those listed above for aspiring, energetic farmers, scientists, and researchers. Applicants with all levels of experience are encouraged to apply.

Wage and benefits commensurate with experience. Successful applicants are required to have reliable transportation, a working laptop, cell phone, and access to internet.

For more information, please email a resume and letter of interest to Please visit for more information about the company.

About Apple Leaf

Apple Leaf was founded in 2003 out of a need to provide services and unbiased information to help growers manage their production and satisfy markets and consumer demands.

Integrity and objectiveness of our data are at the core of our business. We are a private firm with no affiliation or ties to agriculture product-based companies. Our goal is to provide our clients with unbiased, real-time information to aid in their ability to manage pests and commodities. We do not peddle Agro-company sales lines or products.

By using Apple Leaf’s scientifically proven Integrated Pest Management (IPM) technologies, or latest trends in organic practices, our clients make cost-effective decisions about pest management and crop health, which, in turn, strengthens their bottom-line.

Apple Leaf also provides auditing services for food safety requirements including but not limited to: GlobalGap Fruit and Vegetable, SQF 1000 and 2000 series, and BRC certifications. Consulting for the constantly changing protocols is also available for both large and small processing, packers, shippers, cold storage, and growers. Apple Leaf also provides internal audits for our contracted clients across the U.S.

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