CSA Farm Manager Job in Oregon

Join this team of talented farmers! The 47th Ave Farm has 20 years of experience running a year-round CSA and selling to local award winning restaurants near Portland Oregon. They are looking for a full time year round Farm Manager who shares their vision and wants to help lead their team.
The Farm Manager will supervise of 8-10 people farming 12+ acres and be responsible for meeting production and organizational goals at the farm. The team is super hard working, committed to continuous improvement and serious about growing great food sustainably and profitably. At least 3 years experience managing in an organic production system is required. The ideal candidate also has strong leadership & communication skills, a flexible decision making style, is very organized, likes to work hard and loves farming!
This is a full time year round salaried position. Find the complete job description on our website https://www.47thavefarm.com/jobs-at-the-farm/ To apply, please fill out the application and job history form and send in with your cover letter and resume. Please put the job title in the subject line. Email questions to Jobs@47thAveFarm.com. No phone calls please. Applications due Friday January 22nd, 2016.
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