Organic Production Jobs in Washington State

Organic Production Jobs

Organic Production Jobs in Washington State

SpringRain Farm & Orchard is a 28 acre certified organic family farm located in the heart of Chimacum on 28 acres of prime agricultural land.  The farm is an ecologically-based diversified production system located south of Port Townsend on the Olympic Peninsula. We grow a wide variety of small fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, apple, pear, and plums.  We specialize in year-around greenhouse crops with winter salad production and summer production of basil, eggplant, and tomatoes, as well as asparagus, garlic, and miscellaneous specialty vegetables.  Our livestock production includes layer poultry, turkeys, broiler chickens, meat sheep, rabbits, and bees.  We operate a full season internship program and host short-term volunteers throughout the year.

Our mission is to use the best available knowledge to sustainably and organically produce food for our local community.  We sell 90% of our products within a 50 mile radius and strive to provide a wide range of healthy, ethically-raised food to our local community. We use a diversified farming system that involves protein, vegetables, fruit, and pollinators to provide the most sustainable system possible.  We take our cue from nature and strive to develop an ecological system that closely matches a natural ecosystem.

At SpringRain Farm, we are committed to conservation and caring for the land we live and grow on.  We work with the USDA to employ conservation practices designed to protect soil and water quality, we have worked to restore Chimacum Creek, a critical habitat for salmon, established a riparian buffer and planted native tree species, and donated a conservation easement on the farm to the Jefferson Land Trust which means our property is protected forever as farm land.  New projects this year include installation of a solar system and a wind turbine to generate electricity for the farm.  We think deeply about the health of the soil, the water, the animals, the plants, and the people we farm with.

In order to keep pace with our growing operation we will add 2 full time organic production jobs to our staff starting March 1st, 2016.  They will join our current crew of two full time employees and John Bellow, the farmer, to help continue this work farming the land we love.

Main Functions and Responsibilities

The position is 5 days per week and responsibilities may include assisting the manager, grower, and production team in:

  • greenhouse and field seedling propagation and transplanting,
  • salad production,
  • annual vegetable and perennial fruit transplanting and maintenance,
  • training and directing seasonal interns and volunteers,
  • supervising and leading berry harvest contract picking crew,
  • weekly poultry slaughter, and operating a weekly farmers market stand.

The exact mix of responsibilities will be finalized based on the attributes of the successful applicants.  These responsibilities will be divided between the two positions.


Suitable candidates should have at least 2 years of experience in diversified commercial agricultural production.  A successful member of the SpringRain team must be an effective problem solver, be internally motivated to help operate a diversified organic production system, and be able to work independently with close attention to detail and exceptional follow through.  This position requires a person who has effective oral and written communication skills, is well organized, and is able to interact with a diverse group of customers, employees, and volunteers in a cheerful and positive fashion while representing SpringRain Farm and Orchard. The position requires significant physical work, mainly outdoors, and frequently under adverse weather conditions, applicants should be physically fit and able (must be able to lift at least 50 lbs).

Successful applicants will be able to demonstrate experience and in-depth knowledge in at least one or more of these areas: cane berry management and production, blueberry management, tree fruit management and production, Production of organic greenhouse crops, organic seedling production, pastured broiler and layer production systems, or commercial mushroom production.  Additionally, knowledge of general organic production practices, experience in direct sales of farm products, and familiarity with machinery and equipment operations is required.


Compensation consists of a starting monthly salary of $1600 and access to farm food share.

How to Apply

Applicants should submit their work history, three job references, and a detailed cover letter addressing the position requirements and their qualifications to SpringRain Farm and Orchard, PO Box 1015, Chimacum, WA 98325 or to  Closing Date – Jan 1st, 2016 or until filled.  Applicants will be interviewed by Jan 15, 2016.  Job starts March 1.

For more information about the farm, visit our website or on Facebook.

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