2021 Farm Apprenticeships in NM, CO, WY, MT, CA

2021 Farm Apprenticeships in New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, and California are Now Available Through Quivira Coalition’s New Agrarian Program
Apprentices can expect approximately 400 – 600 direct contact hours over an eight month period (or approximately 10 – 15 hours a week) with a person in a designated mentorship role. Some operations have multiple people offering mentorship.
Apprentices working an April to November season will attend an in-person group orientation in late March or early April. Attendance at this event is mandatory.
Each apprentice receives a copy of the NAP Orientation Guide which includes an example of skills checklists and a daily work log for recording activity. The orientation guide also includes a schedule of the full eight months of the apprenticeship to help the apprentice track important program dates and events; history of the program and Quivira; and other documents that may be useful during an apprenticeship.
Apprentices schedule an initial assessment with their mentor upon arrival at their mentor site, followed by a minimum of two additional evaluations in the middle and at the end of the season. During each check-in, apprentices and mentors review skills checklists, which are tailored to each apprenticeship, and discuss other topics or concerns as needed.
During their eight-month apprenticeship, apprentices are given access to a travel fund to cover transportation to NAP Orientation and the annual Regenerate Conference. With any remaining funds apprentices are strongly encouraged to visit other farms and ranches, including other NAP mentor operations, if possible. The purpose of these visits is to expose the apprentice to different perspectives and practices.
All participants will attend a series of monthly supplemental training calls offered via video conference. Monthly calls will cover topics ranging from soil health to drought management to communication skills.
Apprentices attend the annual Quivira Conference in Albuquerque in November, where they represent the program and assist with a variety of tasks and events including the New Agrarian Career Connection. Graduation from the program takes place and is celebrated at the conference.
Each apprentice submits two reports to NAP: 1) a one-page personal introduction, due the second week of their apprenticeship, and 2) a three-page final report and a copy of the completed skills checklist, due November 1.
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