2011 Vermicomposting Conference in Las Vegas

NC State University’s 11th Annual Vermiculture Conference | Las Vegas, Nevada | University of Nevada-Las Vegas | May 26-27, 2011

North America's only training on mid-to-large scale vermicomposting is heading west to Las Vegas! This year's two day conference will provide more opportunities than ever to gather and share information with industry experts and peers. Topics include:  What to Tell Customers about the Benefits of Vermicompost….How to Use Vermicompost: Application Rates & Techniques….Earthworm Husbandry: The Care and Feeding of Earthworms....….Vermicompost: How to Harvest, Store, and Bag It….Harvesting and Shipping Earthworms….Developing Markets for Vermicompost & Earthworms….How to Make Better Vermicompost for Plants….Latest Research on Vermicompost and Extracts….Vermicomposting On-Site at Businesses and Institutions….Earthworm Species Differences and Availability….Panel Discussion.. ….Breakout groups to discuss medium or large scale operations, on-site at businesses, and other topics.

What people are saying about NC State University’s Annual Vermiculture Conference: “Count me as an extremely satisfied conference attendee. I was truly impressed and hope to be one of your ‘frequent fliers.’ I was particularly impressed with the depth of the science presented.” SF, New York. “The information and resources provided are already quite useful. Everyone I spoke with was helpful and open to sharing info. I truly enjoyed the whole experience.” EM, North Carolina.

For details, and to register, go to (website will be updated frequently and more speakers will be added, so keep checking back)

Direct questions to Rhonda Sherman, Conference Chairperson,

1 Comment on 2011 Vermicomposting Conference in Las Vegas

  1. I live in vegas, I would love to know more about vermicomposting.
    Is there any more convention will held in vegas?
    Thank you so much



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