2011 City Chickens Free Workshop Series, NYC

Please join us every 2nd Thursday of the month for fun and educational workshops on keeping chickens in the city. The workshops are free and open to the public. All workshops take place in the Imani Garden (bk farmyard's chicken headquarters) on Schenectady between Dean & Pacific St. Thursday, April 14th, 5:30-7pm. Beginners Level: Introduction to City Chickens: Chickens in the city? Yes, please! Keeping chickens in the city can be fun and rewarding. Come learn the basics of how to keep laying hens and how to take care of them, from designing a coop to what to feed them. We will learn all about bk farmyards chicken keeping practices, and interact with their flock. Thursday, May 12th, 5:30-7pm Fun with Chickens! A workshop for Kids of all Ages: Bring your kids for a fun day in the garden with the chickens. We will be exploring chickens and eggs and the difference between factory farm and organically produced eggs. Youth will have an opportunity to hold the chickens and make art inspired by them.: Chickens in the city? Yes, please! Keeping chickens in the city can be fun and rewarding. Come learn the basics of how to keep laying hens and how to take care of them, from designing a coop to what to feed them. We will learn all about bk farmyards chicken keeping practices, and interact with their flock. This workshop will be in English and Spanish, and is offered in partnership with bk farmyards, NYRP, GreenThumb, Just Food and La Union.

Guardar Gallinas en la Ciudad
¿Pollos en la ciudad? ¡Sí, por favor! Mantener gallinas en a ciudad puede ser divertido y valioso. Venga para aprender los fundamentos de cómo guardar gallinas, y cómo cuidarlas. Aprende cómo diseñar un “coop” (casa para gallinas) y cómo alimentarlas. Aprenderemos las mejores prácticas de criar gallinas de BK Farmyards, y conoceremos su bandada de pollos.

Este taller estará en inglés y español, y se ofrece en sociedad con BK Farmyards, NYRP, GreenThumb, Just Food y el jardín comunitario La Union.

Thursday, June 9th, 5:30-7pm Intermediate Level: Keeping your Hens Healthy & Happy Are you interested in keeping hens for eggs in the city? This workshop is geared towards helping people figure out what they need to do to have their own flock. This workshop is for those with basic knowledge of chicken keeping. We will go over the more specific aspects of keeping chickens, including the time it takes, costs and where you can keep your own birds. We will also go over how to do a basic chicken check up and what to do when you have a problem. Please bring pictures or drawing of your yard or garden if you would like to talk about your individual sites.

Thursday, July 14th, 5:30-7pm. Beginners Level: Introduction to City Chickens

Chickens in the city? Yes, please! Keeping chickens in the city can be fun and rewarding. Come learn the basics of how to keep laying hens and how to take care of them, from designing a coop to what to feed them. We will learn all about bk farmyards chicken keeping practices, and interact with their flock.

Thursday, August 11th, 5:30-7pm Chickens & the Garden: Chicken Tractors.

Chickens can be a great asset to your garden. They provide fertilizer, can help prepare beds and eat up all those weeds. Chickens can also cause a lot of problems for a garden if not properly planned and cared for. We will talk about the benefits and drawbacks of having chickens in your garden. Together we will build a chicken tractor, a moveable coop for chickens without a floor.

Thursday, September 15th, 5:30-7pm. Beginners Level: Introduction to City Chickens

Chickens in the city? Yes, please! Keeping chickens in the city can be fun and rewarding. Come learn the basics of how to keep laying hens and how to take care of them, from designing a coop to what to feed them. We will learn all about bk farmyards chicken keeping practices, and interact with their flock.

Thursday, October 13th, 5:30-7pm Preparing for the Winter

It’s getting chilly outside! And yes, the chickens feel it too. We’ll go over how to prepare a coop and chickens for the winter, working with our ladies at Imani. From making sure your coop is warm enough, but still has ventilation, to preventing frostbite and colds.

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