2009 Pastured Poultry Roundtable and Tour – Wooster, Ohio

October 10, 2009 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Fisher Auditorium on OARDC/OSU campus in Wooster, Ohio.  Cost is $8.00 for ages 15 and over, free for ages 14 and younger.  Contact John Anderson 330 263-3753 for reservations.  The morning will be roundtable with producers and consumers, followed by a tour to pastured broiler and turkey farms plus checking out small mobile processing unit.  Bring cash or brown bag lunch.

1 Comment on 2009 Pastured Poultry Roundtable and Tour – Wooster, Ohio

  1. would you please spend a few minutes and read my blog. I have been raising 50 breeds of chickens 40 years.

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