Nation’s Largest Sustainable Farm Tour in North Carolina

Join the Carolina Farm Steward Association and Weaver St Market for the nation’s largest sustainable farm tour on Saturday and Sunday April 24th and 25th, 2010.

Times are 1 to 5pm each day

The tour features 40 outstanding examples of sustainable farming and gardening.  The tour includes farms and farming projects in Orange, Chatham, Durham, Person, Alamance and Caswell Counties. It offers an opportunity to learn where your food comes from, how it is grown, a chance to learn about the benefits of grass-fed, pasteurized meats, and even opportunities for gardeners to learn expert growing tips from expert farmers. The tour highlights the enhanced safety of a local food system.

“The tour is a perfect way for everyone to learn where their food comes from, children especially need to learn early that food doesn’t originate from the supermarket” – Roland McReynolds, CFSA Executive Director.

Carloads are $25 in advance or $30 at the farms- for all day, or $10 per farm per carload.

Tickets are available online at  Online map show the locations and features of all forty farms.  Closer to the date, maps and tickets will be available at all Weaver Street Market locations.  Tickets will also be available at the Durham Farmers Market, Harmony Farms in Raleigh, Chatham Marketplace in Pittsboro, and other locations.

For more information contact:

Fred Broadwell, Carolina Farm Steward Association.  919-542-2402 or

2 Comments on Nation’s Largest Sustainable Farm Tour in North Carolina

  1. Very nice site!!

  2. How can I get a map of all of these farms? I’m moving to the Fayetteville area and would LOVE to live on a sustainable farm.

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