Farm Crew Job at Heritage Prairie Farm in Illinois

Farm Crew Member Job Available at Heritage Prairie Farm in Illinois, a multi-faceted business that includes over 10 acres of organically grown vegetables. All team members are expected to be dedicated to the growing methods, products, and overall success of Heritage Prairie Farm.Vegetable Picture

Department: Farm Team; Reports to: Farm Manager, Assistant Farm Manager when applicable; Consults with: Farm Manager, Director of Business Development, Assistant Farm Manager, and Market Manager; Terms of Employment: Seasonal , approximately April through October – At will employment; Overall Responsibility: To participate in all areas of commercial vegetable production.

Key Areas of Responsibility:
-Plant Starting, Weeding, Planting, Harvesting, Washing, Packing of Organically Grown Vegetables
-Keep Grounds, Facilities, Tools, and Equipment in a clean and presentable manner
-General Farm Labor

-Desire and ability to work out doors in all weather conditions. We will be working in rain, snow, wind, and heat. If weather conditions are to extreme to work in we may finish days early or cancel whole days  of work at the Farm Manager’s discretion.
-Ability to do manual labor for extended periods of time.
-Positive attitude that includes commitment to Flexibility, Integrity, Service, and Teamwork.
-Previous experience working with plants or outdoors is appreciated but not required. While farming experience is not required this is not an internship and anyone interested in farming should be willing to learn as you work. Farming is production work and ability to keep up in a high paced, dynamic, labor intensive environment is a must.

To Apply: Send cover letter, resume, salary history and references to

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